Pastor Paul and Gail Krob were given a vision.
We have humbly served the Madera Ranchos for over 30 years. The Lord called us here and he has rewarded our faithfulness. He is good always.
Our Mission
We have been at this location for 30 years and have watched as both our community and church have evolved. As a church we have shared the gospel to our community, while building relationships with the community. We have had the privilege of performing countless weddings, baby dedications and even funerals. In addition, we have worked with both parents and their children in the instruction of the gospel and life managing courses, Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace and Married's Ministry, as well as working with and teaching our teens and our children. It has been an honor to work with and minister to the lives of so many in the Ranchos community.
“Our mission: To reach people with the gospel and make disciples. To help people take advantage of the abundant life that comes through Jesus Christ. To work with our young people (teens and children) helping prepare them for a productive and fulfilling life.”
Our Church History
In 1989, Lifetree began meeting in a bungalow at Webster Elementary School. In 1991, we bought 4 ½ acres of property and built the sanctuary. In 1992, we moved into our current location on the corner of Avenue 13 ½ and Road 36. In 1995, we built our Christian Education building and in 1997 we bought ten acres of property for future growth. The church continued to grow and in 2004 we built our Administration offices. It has taken a lot of sacrifice, by a lot of people, to do what has been done. But, in all things we thank the Lord for what he has done in and through us. In 2010, we started our second campus in Los Banos and currently we are mentoring another church in Atwater.
“Receiving the call of God on my life and then answering that call, has been one of the great blessings I have received. God opened a door for Gail and I to not only pastor Lifetree, but also to start a second campus in Los Banos (one church in two locations). God has set before us 1 Corinthians 2:9* However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”
To say “I never saw my life like this,” would be a monumental understatement. Gail and I are “living the dream!” Answering the call has had so many incredible moments in it, but the most rewarding is the people we have met and served. We have walked with them in good times and bad, all while deepening our relationships. We thank the Lord for this great opportunity of serving Him, His people and the community we live in.—”